into forgotten shadows:
Time’s pain. joy. void. mystery.
A single vision to breathe
How many quick and quiet steps
does it take
to take
the spark of A Music. A People.
--A Heart?
the Eye
is what seperates...
Loathsome to lie,
it enervates unending spectrum.
Segregates light to rainbow
for human kind
for human mind,
for human power,
for human limit.
from Color(s) between Colors,
into seven false idols.
the Eye
is alive. Two true lies
telling what is and who isn’t;
trapped in Color’s alluring illusion.
(But we lay still,
Breathe secret silent seems deep:
those seams,
and things between,
will exist unseen
until we DARE to see the unseen behind Eye’s distorted dream)
“And what is there to fear together:”
“beyond the crowd,”
“above the world?”
we find touch and tears, freedom and flight amidst
“the blinding rain.”
droplets splatter in our open ears and on our closed brow.
a wash, we fly together, two by one by three, we dance and sing
“starless nights were not in vain.”
A realm. Silent,
Darkly lit, and Open,
as this--
“I hope that you’re the one
If not, you are the prototype.
We’ll tip toe to the Sun,
and do things
I know you’ll like.”
Psychology of Color
1. Color can carry specific meaning.
2. Color meaning is either based in learned meaning or biologically innate meaning.
3. The perception of a color causes evaluation automatically by the person perceiving.
4. The evaluation process forces color motivated behavior.
5. Color usually exerts its influence automatically.
6. Color meaning and effect has to do with context as well
I am
these sides,
these worlds,
these faces.
You are
these colors,
these folds,
these phrases.
We are
these times,
these sounds,
these spaces.
They are Us,
They are You,
They are Me.
They are known